A Letter from Our New Executive Director

1560422_10204774795282391_50993577069092519_n-2Hello Friends,

I’m so excited to share with you that I have taken up the post of serving as Executive Director of Kingdom Hearts Inc, after working alongside Lisa Pulliam last year while serving as the Director of Operations.

With Lisa relocating and having to step down, the board devoted time to prayer, waiting on God’s leading for the next step. During that time, the Lord began softening my heart about stepping into the role of Executive Director.  After about two months, while listening to praise music in the car, I was overwhelmed with the deep love for the women all around me. In that moment, I knew God was asking me to join him and I didn’t want to miss it. My heart was pulled towards the women around me…

…For each woman to know the love of God, personally and deeply.

This thought was not my own.

I was happy buzzing around in the car all by myself on this rare occasion. You see, I am a busy wife, a mother, daughter, sister, friend, coworker, (#fillintheblankwithwhatever) who loves Jesus and wants to join Him wherever He is working. But often times, I miss the mark. My desire is to allow Christ access to my heart in a way that removes fear and apprehension but all too often, my “control freak-isms” win out. Do I hear an “Amen”?


But by the grace of God, He has once again brought together an amazing team of women devoted to serving this ministry for the 2017 conference.  I hope you take a moment to read their bios and get to know the women volunteering their time to serve you.  

Our hearts desire is to provide a place where women of every generation can gather together in unity.

We envision a place to laugh together, to encourage one another, to praise the Lord, and encounter the Holy Spirit.

We are striving to create an environment where you can let the walls of your hearts come down so you can receive from the heart of God and truly know how special you are. Then you can confidently move to the new place God is leading you . . . fiercely and fearlessly. That is our desire. Will you join us?

I am looking forward to seeing you April 8 and until then, I welcome your prayers!

Blessings to you always, your sister in Christ,

Dana Saraniero

Executive Director of Kingdom Hearts Inc.



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